
by - September 28, 2023



the time apart
is now bearable
go on my day
without your face,
without a thought
of the past, of present
nor imagined future

where are you? will I
lose you again
for another year?
forget once more
the lessons taught,
lessons unlearned,
learning over and over

your constancy I lack:

so keep betting on
luck half-believed;
so will work again,
over and over for
little increments of pay
and grow once more
flowers in your garden bare

because the time apart
is now bearable
go on my day
your face from afar
yet still in thoughts
the past, the present
my future self


why must women worship
the constancy of men?
and dance naked to
the glorious garish Sun
rising, and falling, and
calculable, steadfast
for its entire existence

he swallowed my Moon 
and claimed it his own
but don't you see?
its blood, its pains are
mine, how it destroys,
how it rebuilds each time
cursed this entire life

but it goes through phases
the only face I knew
of yours is singular, refined
now I know who, how I am,
how I long to be like you
but Moon remains glowing,
disappearing too at night

where are you? now
you're gone betraying
the nature of your Sun
you start to see it then 
the dark side of the Moon
how it scares you off,
the uncertainty of it all

light waxes and wanes
predictably, yet its storms need
you steady here at the end
of a long moonless dark --
so my Sun, I worship you
with my Moon's fixedly
fluctuating faith


with love,

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